Lexington, KY - The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has recently received an invitation from the Organizing Committee of CHIO Aachen to send riders to participate in the CDIU-25 for the first time. Caroline Roffman (Wellington, FL) received an invitation to participate as an individual starter and the U.S. also has the opportunity to send up to three additional Under -25 riders to compete at this prestigious event.
Roffman's participation was approved by the Dressage High Performance Committee. The Committee will review further interested riders who would like to put their name forward. Please submit requests or interest to the USEF Dressage Department, Attention Jenny Van Wieren. USEF Dressage High Performance Committee will publish minimum qualifying criteria to be considered for this competition. If there is an oversubscription, the USEF Dressage Credential Committee will determine the riders.
"I have always dreamed of riding internationally as well as riding at Aachen," said Roffman, 22. "The program Mr. Kemperman (Chairman of CHIO Aachen) has created is wonderful and will allow me as well as other riders in the future to get a taste of international competition at the Grand Prix level. I am both honored and astounded to be able to participate in this event. I hope that this becomes a tradition for other US young Grand Prix riders and helps to pave our way to large tour success down the road."
The World Equestrian Festival, CHIO Aachen features international competition in Dressage, Driving, Eventing, Jumping and Vaulting and annually attracts the world's top competitors to Aachen, Germany. The 2011 event will take place July 8-17, and the USEF looks forward to sending competitors in multiple disciplines.
Please contact USEF Director, High Performance Dressage Jenny Van Wieren for more information at jvanwieren@usef.org. For more information about CHIO Aachen, please visit: http://www.chioaachen.com/.
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